Monday, 4 February 2013

Motivation - the sound of silence

Imagine yourself standing on a deserted beach enjoying the solitude and the pleasure of being "at one" with natures wonderland, when suddenly to your surprise, a group of people appear invading the scene and in a flash the mood has changed.
Most likely they are the same kind of person as you, as they find themselves sharing the same part of the universe for the same reasons, but somehow they have spoiled that special moment.
"Getting away from it all" is a desire we all have, for me it doesn't happen in a resort or hotel complex, it happens when I am as far from other people as possible. Does this make me unsociable, a miserable bugger, a loner or all of these? Ask Wifey, she will tell you I am a grumpy old sod, but even she can see how much happier I am when travelling in the remoter parts of the world.
Thankfully its something we both enjoy.

Only after moving to Canada in 2004 did I start to appreciate how big this place is...I have ridden through parts of British Columbia (theres a lot more of it left to see) and honestly you can drive for hours on end and not see another soul, no homes, no vehicles, just a ribbon of black, its simply awesome.
Then there is the whole bike thing....that could be another blog / website on its own, ah actually it is :)
try my very own to see what I mean. Suffice to say I love riding, so I love riding in the wilderness even more, but as I get older its nice to have the comforts of home at the end of a long day in the saddle. Comfort = Shower, Bed & Beer, even though I will happily camp when travelling solo, with Wifey along for the ride thats a no-go.
So this trip has it all for me, the lure of the wild, the sense of adventure, wilderness, travelling and comfort rolled into one....and a couple of beers.
To my surprise I find that planning a trip is a pleasure in itself, hours of research on the interweb, YouTube etc, and yes, I write do lists, must see lists, shopping lists, packing lists, you get the idea. Hearing other peoples thoughts on this particular trip has been interesting and range from "Why the hell would you want to go there and do that?" to "You call that an adventure, it used to be but not anymore." Well this is going to be my adventure so please submit a comment and let me know what you think about riding the Alaska Highway in 2013.

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